I think it is safe to say that I am one of those students who typically multi-tasks using many technical devices during study sessions. It’s common for me to have my lap top open with the flash-drive plugged in, my iPhone nearby, and the printer ready to use while my text book is laid open. While all these devices have proven as huge benefits for me as a student, I have learned over-time that they also come with some drawbacks. But after weighing out the benefits and drawbacks, it is in my opinion that the benefits of new technology far exceeds the drawbacks and that the two can be managed by simply being aware of both of these aspects of technology.
In managing new technologies, one must be capable of recognizing when a technical device is affecting them negatively. According to Samuels, “Some critics of new communication technologies argue that cell phones, laptops, iPods, and the other devices we take with us throughout our day encourage a high level of multitasking and prevent us from concentrating on any single activity” (CC p 361). And from my own personal experience, I think the critics are right. For instance, I have always turned off my phone when I have attended on-campus lectures because I don’t like being interrupted while I am trying to listen to my professor. However, I noticed that I wasn’t turning off my phone for my online classes while I viewed the modules, which is like attending an on-campus lecture. Ultimately, my phone was continuously interrupting me which was keeping me from learning the class material efficiently. But because I recognized this negative effect early, I adjusted by changing my phone to silent until I was done studying which helped me tremendously; I managed my device effectively.
Although I was able to notice how technology was poorly affecting my life, some people aren’t aware until it’s a huge problem. For example, in Kalle Lasn’s Post Human, he shared the story of a lady who became addicted to participating in chat groups. “She grew so accustomed to typing her thoughts that her verbal skills suffered (Lasn, p 43)”. In addition to that, her neighbor said she also began to show signs of poor hygiene (Lasn, p 43). This is a pretty extreme case, but it just shows how a technological advance can seriously become harmful to someone if they don’t pay attention to how it is affecting them. In this case, it would be wise for her to only allot a certain amount of time to the chat group or not participate at all.
With that said, we know technological advances can have harsh consequences, however, we can’t ignore the positive possibilities it offers our culture. According to Postman, “There can be no disputing that the computer has increased the power of large-scale organizations like the armed forces or airline companies or banks or tax-collecting agencies (CC p 368)”. I also know this is true from experience. I used to work at RCBS as a production coordinator; I was responsible for scheduling production as well as anticipating orders. During this time, we were in transition of changing our scheduling computer system from the old “BOB” system to the “System21”. Once we launched the System21, the manufacturing and accounting departments closely monitored it to ensure it was running properly. As a result, the System21 was a better fit for RCBS’s migrating sales and it played a partial role in the company having two consecutive years in record breaking profits. This is a perfect example of a business taking a chance on new technology with caution and it ended up paying off big.
Overall, I believe that it’s important to welcome new technology, but welcome it with a close eye. Postman also agreed with this concept. He said, “The stakes are high when a new technology is introduced into a culture, and it is important that we think critically about technology if we are to live well with it” (p 363). And that is the thing; we can live well with technology. All things in life come with risks, but we can’t be afraid to live life or embrace the things life has to offer. Instead, I strongly encourage our culture to take a chance on new technologies because from my experience, the rewards have always outweighed the consequences when paired with a little self-supervision.
In this essay, I learned that with a little focus on the writing directions in the modules and applying the feed back I have received from you, I can improve my writings skills. For example, I am noticing the more I go back to review things like PIE, the 3 I's, and your feedback, I'm beginning to remember these things as I write which helps me tremendously while I'm trying to learn new concepts like synthesizing. And all this is building my self-confidence as a writer, because I feel like I'm finally starting to get the hang of it.
So for the next essay, I'm going to do the same thing; do my best to implement previous things that I have learned with the new upcoming concepts. And if I am unclear about anything, I'll ask questions to inure that I continue to stay on the right track.
So for the next essay, I'm going to do the same thing; do my best to implement previous things that I have learned with the new upcoming concepts. And if I am unclear about anything, I'll ask questions to inure that I continue to stay on the right track.
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